Top 4 Most Overlooked Things When Buying a Home

Buying a home is the largest investment most people will ever make, and so it stands to reason that most home buyers focus primarily on the purchase price. They also like to imagine how their furnishings will fit into the home and how the house suits their current lifestyle. These are all huge considerations, but they are by no means the only issues you should think about when you’re looking for your dream house. Here are some top things to keep in mind:

The cost of repairs

Many first-time homebuyers underestimate the amount of money it takes to maintain a home. Older houses, in particular, are prone to needing frequent repairs. Whether it’s an old, damaged roof, a malfunctioning furnace, or a warped and weathered deck, the repairs needed to keep an older house in good condition can easily throw your budget off track.

If you’re buying an older home, be sure to set aside plenty of liquid funds to take care of emergency repairs.

Another option is to purchase a new, move-in ready home instead. If you purchase a new home, your roof won’t need replacing for at least a few decades, and all of the major appliances (along with everything else) will be new. The prospect of saving a lot of money on repairs is just one reason why many homebuyers prefer to purchase new construction houses.

The distance to transportation hubs

Location is crucial when buying a new home. In particular, consider whether the new home is close to major transportation hubs, such as interstates and airports. You’ll be glad later on when you find yourself running late and having to hurry to the airport to catch a flight.

The convenient proximity to major transportation hubs is one reason why many homebuyers choose to live in Wilmington, Delaware. For instance, Wilmington is only a half-hour away from Philadelphia! It’s a centrally located community that is close to train stations, Philadelphia Airport, and major interstates.

The walkability of the neighborhood

A walkable neighborhood is more important than you might think, and unfortunately, it’s something that many homebuyers don’t consider until after they’ve made their purchase. A home on a spacious lot in a walkable neighborhood will give you both privacy and recreational opportunities. Some essential features of a walkable neighborhood include wide open, green spaces, tree-lined streets, and amenities just a short walk away.

A growing family

Before making a purchase offer, consider your current living situation and how it might change over the course of the next decade or so. If you’d like to stay in the home for a while, consider whether you might want to grow your family down the road. It may be worth it to buy a bigger house than you think you need right now so that you won’t have to move again later.

Tour move-in ready homes in Delaware

If you’re looking for a beautiful, spacious home in a walkable neighborhood that is close to major transportation hubs, the homes for sale in Darley Green are a must-see! Montchanin Builders specializes in building neighborhoods with an old-fashioned neighborhood feel, with plenty of wide-open spaces and tree-lined streets. Call today to schedule a tour of our new homes in northern Delaware. Make sure to ask about our special financing offers!

Additional resources for home buyers: