4 Types of House Clutter and What to Do About Them

There are a number of reasons why you may want to avoid clutter in your home. Clutter can cause you stress, make it harder for you to keep your home free of dust and mold, and even be a fire hazard. The problem is, clutter has a way of adding up quickly, especially if you don’t periodically clean and organize your home. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent that. Whether you’re planning a move or just looking for a fresh start in a familiar space, check out this guide to the most common types of house clutter–and how to keep them from taking over your life.

Sentimental clutter

Many of the things we accumulate in our homes are simply items from the past that we can’t bring ourselves to part with: old birthday cards, cassette tapes, childhood toys. If you want to avoid keeping too many of these items, sit down with them and decide which ones are truly meaningful to you. Then, donate the rest. It may help to take photos of the items before giving them away–and, after all, photos take up a lot less space!

Paper clutter

When you get junk mail, do you throw it out immediately or set it aside to sort through later? If you do the latter, it’s a safe bet that you’ve probably ended up with a stack of envelopes on your desk or table. Sorting through the mail as soon as you get it, rather than putting off that task, will help keep your desktop clean. It’s also a good household rule to make deadlines for newspapers and magazines. Give yourself three days to read a newspaper, and a month to read a magazine. After that, toss them in the recycle bin.

Bulk clutter

Have you ever bought an extra amount of something because you thought you might “need it” later? This strategy makes sense for certain items, such as toilet paper and paper towels. However, it can easily lead to you overstocking your kitchen and buying more food than you will be able to use. It’s a good idea to go through your fridge, freezer, and pantry about once a month, tossing expired foods and anything that you will not use before it goes bad.

Unorganized clutter

Sometimes, items are clutter simply because they haven’t been put away. Buy some clear plastic containers and use them to categorize things like art supplies, cleaning materials, or old-school souvenirs. Make sure that everything you store in these containers is something that you want to keep or will use! Then, find a place in your closet for the containers. Even a small amount of organizing can go a long way toward decluttering your home.

Move-in ready homes in Delaware

One of the numerous advantages of moving into a new construction townhouse or condo is that you can make a fresh, clutter-free start. If you are a prospective homebuyer who is looking for a new construction home, then it’s time to get in touch with Montchanin Builders. We will be happy to schedule a tour so that you can check out the spacious floor plans and fantastic amenities of our luxurious new construction homes. Be sure to ask about our special financing options!